This section provides instructions for the control of the more common weed species on Waikato lowlands. General overview of a typical weed control programme:We find it helpful to classify weeds as chronic or acute. The acute weeds are readily controlled by shade as the planting matures. Chronic weeds are more persistent although may be slower to establish. They are not so readily controlled by shade because they tolerate shade (wandering dew), are climbers (honeysuckle) or are tall (willow). Some, like gorse, lie somewhere between the two categories. Step 1 Woody Weeds. Control the woody weeds like grey and crack willow, privet etc and the climbers like honeysuckle and jasmine to provide access or spraying the herbaceous weeds f. Allowing access to spray must be a consideration in the disposal of branches. Step 2 Spraying. A
typical spray programme will control soft tissue species with
appropriate herbicide sprays; a combination of glyphosate
(Roundup) and trichlopyr (Grazon) will control most species. Wandering dew will re-grow from a single stem node. Total control will only be achieved by repeated treatment allowing time for dead material to rot down and then allowing any viable nodes to shoot before repeating the application. Successive applications should require less spraying and any other weeds on the site are also likely to be well controlled by this regime. Long Term Weeds (chronic weeds): These are frequently found along gullies, rivers and streams prior to work commencing. These include: Short Term Weeds (acute weeds). These pose a short-term threat to the planting project, are quick to invade a planting site and can shade out and sometimes push over newly planted native trees. These can be controlled with Glyphosate, however, because of the threat spraying poses to the newly planted natives, hand pulling may be preferable. Cutting with loppers and spraying the stump may best control Inkweed. These include:
For more information on weeds and their control: Weedbusters site covers a wide range of weeds with detailed control methods.